Our vision

Relaying news related to heritage in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean countries.

Spotlighting an underestimated heritage.

Disseminating non-political and non-ideological knowledge.

Fostering the understanding of plural and diversified identities on the ground.

Making this knowledge accessible to everyone. Deconstructing stereotypes and prejudices. Combating violent extremism through the promotion of heritage.

Creating an enabling environment for dialogue by advocating for tolerance and respect.
OPOM offers free publications and online content, enabling our readers to discover the rich
cultural, natural and intangible heritage of the Mediterranean and Arab regions.
Alongside these activities, we collaborate with international organizations such as UNESCO
to produce specific reports. Finally, we organize online and on site meetings to offer our
public opportunities of exchange.
Too often, the Middle East is seen through the prism of the political crises which have
shaken the region as a whole.
Our objective is to take a different view by highlighting the unique and exceptional heritage
of this region. Fostering a greater knowledge of this part of the world though heritage is key
to better understanding the plural and diversified identities on the ground.
Create a peaceful space for dialogue and reflection, open to all without distinction