Circle of Sponsors
OPOM’s Circle of sponsors brings together men and women who, through their philanthropic acts, share their commitment to promote culture and heritage on both shores of the Mediterranean. By relying on the generosity of its members, this Circle fosters the sustainability and development of our activities in France and abroad.
The Circle of sponsors is a club of private donors offering its members a privileged link with the organization and all its projects. An international network of cultural professionals, artists, experts and researchers committed to strong shared values based on living together, ecology and humanism.
By supporting our activities, the club helps us to continue our work of promoting heritage throughout the Mediterranean basin. By enabling us to maintain free access to all our online content, which has been available entirely free of charge since 2019. By supporting the development of our awareness campaigns. By participating directly in the financing of our conference cycle, our cultural magazine, our scientific journal and all our field projects.
We hope to count you among our organization’s founding sponsors and would be delighted to discuss your membership in more detail. To receive our brochure, please contact us by e-mail at this address: